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18500 Murdock Circle
Port Charlotte, FL 33948

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Housing Services


Charlotte County Housing Division

住房司管理国家住房倡议伙伴关系(SHIP)方案和其他住房资金.  Types of assistance include: purchase assistance; home repair; and rent/mortgage assistance to low-income households. 灾难援助是根据需要进行的. 我们还通过夏洛特之家计划提供的奖励和补贴,支持经济适用房的发展,并对资助租赁单位进行合规监督. 工作人员担任经济适用房谘询委员会的联络员.

Individual Housing Assistance


FloridaCommerce has launched its 重建佛罗里达飓风伊恩住房维修和更换计划评估. With the HUD allocated funding, 住房维修和更换计划(HRRP)将通过修复帮助和优先考虑受飓风伊恩影响的最脆弱的房主和财产所有者, reconstruction, or replacement of their Ian-damaged homes, including mobile homes. At a minimum, 70%的项目资金必须满足中低收入国家目标, 其中最优先考虑的是收入低于地区收入中位数50%的家庭.


夏洛特家园(住房机会更容易), 对经济适用房开发商的激励计划, 于7月28日获县专员委员会(BCC)通过, 2020年减少障碍,吸引经济适用房开发商到欧博体育官网. Available incentives include (but are not limited to): expedited permitting; impact fee waiver; land donation; density; utility connection and other fee subsidies; etc. Applications for incentives are reviewed by a panel of representatives from: Community Development; Human Services/Housing; and Utilities. 奖励是根据在优先矩阵上取得的分数分层确定的. 二级、三级和四级申请需要AHAC和BCC批准. The review committee can be reached at

Affordable Housing Advisory Committee

The Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC) 是由州法规授权并在欧博体育官网内由第2008-070号决议执行的吗. 成员由县专员委员会(BCC)任命. AHAC每两个月召开一次会议,审查住房政策和资金,并向BCC提出建议. 委员会还每三年批准该县的地方住房援助计划(LHAP).

Affordable Housing in Charlotte County

Contractor Recruitment

欧博体育官网住房部门正在寻求有执照和保险的承包商与SHIP住房康复计划合作. Recruitment Notice

Fair Housing

It is the policy of the County of Charlotte, in keeping with the laws of the United States, 美国的精神和佛罗里达州宪法的精神, to promote through fair, 有序和合法的程序,每个人都有机会在这个县获得自己选择的住房, without regard to race, color, ancestry, national origin, religion, sex, marital status, familial status, handicap or age, and, to that end, 禁止任何人在房屋方面的歧视.
(Ord. No. 96-003, § 2, 2-6-96)

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Colleen K. Turner, Senior Manager/SHIP Administrator
Rich Gromalski, 夏洛特家庭协调员/公平住房协调员

Housing Services
21500 Gibralter Dr. Unit 1
Port Charlotte, FL 33952
Phone: 941.833.6500

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